Posted by admin | 03.20.2020 | Conservation, Karen Beasley Sea Turtle Hospital, Marine Science, Sea Turtle Camp, Sea Turtle Camp News, Turtle Talk

Sea Turtle Online Resources

Some turtley awesome resources for you to enjoy while at home.

With the recent pandemic (COVID-19), this is a hard and unprecedented time for us all. We want you to know we care deeply about our Sea Turtle Camp families. We also know sometimes it can be hard to keep your children occupied and stimulated while schooling from home, so we have complied some fun (mainly sea turtle oriented) opportunities for them below!

These are intended to be fun resources during school-work breaks, to get them excited for summer if they’ll be joining us, or to just brush up on some sea turtle facts! As a professional in this field I am still learning something new everyday!

Sea turtle live webinar for kids on March 27th:

Georgia Aquarium live cams:

Monterey Bay Aquarium live cam: – We always have this streaming in the office 🙂

NC Aquarium at Fort Fisher Sea Turtle Web Lessons:

Sea Turtle Conservancy games:

NOAA sea turtle games:

Kids’ Guide to Ocean and Marine Wildlife Conservation:


We hope some of these can bring a little bit of joy to your week. We’re really looking forward to another great summer at the beach with Sea Turtle Camp!

During these times of unrest, please make sure to take care of yourself and the people around you – we’ll take care of the sea turtles for now!
