Saving One Turtle at a Time

Sea Turtle Camp is a family-owned company, which means we’re funded only by our own achievements. The better we perform, the more we can fulfill our mission statement. We also know that when it comes down to it – no matter what kind of difference we want to make as a company, and no matter how much you share those values – if our camps are not both educational and exciting, we’re not living up to our fullest potential.

There are no barriers to entry when applying for financial aid. One of our goals is to empower financially disadvantaged kids and teens by helping them experience physical accomplishment, become more environmentally conscious, assume leadership roles, and grow in self-confidence. We strongly believe that all kids should have the chance to experience the magic of surfing and its connection to coastal conservation, and we even offer free weeks of camps to local non-profits. Some of our achievements to date have been:

  • Awarded approximately $30,000 in financial assistance to families in need every year.
  • Offered full tuition waivers to any child cared for by the Cape Fear Guardian Ad Litem Association.
  • Contributed over 1,000 hours of community service every year.
  • Cleaned tons of trash from beaches all over the world.
  • Gave free surf lessons to students in some of UNCW’s Non-Profit Summer Camps.
  • Conducted a free surf clinic for UNCW’s Surfrider Club.
  • Conducted a free surf clinic for the summer Sea Turtle Hospital interns.
  • Gave free surf lessons for UNCW’s Beach Blast students.
  • Adopted families through CFCC Foundation Holiday Helpers program.
  • Supported the endeavors of many social and environmental non-profit groups.
  • Contributed to the efforts of the Karen Beasley Sea Turtle Hospital by donating a portion of each camper’s tuition directly to the hospital. To date, we have donated $207,908 in cash.

As we run programs in several locations around the world we believe that we should live with the land and its people. To do that, we also:

  • Buy and employ locally, hoping that our economic impact will sustain the communities we visit.
  • Incorporate community service, focused mainly on environmental restoration projects.
  • Teach and practice proactive social and environmental policies to minimize our impact and foster a sense of family and respect.

We feel blessed for our careers and know that giving back is the right thing to do! When you select Sea Turtle Camp, you support our efforts in trying to make the world a better place.
